Hi Everyone!
So it is 2017, and it has been a while since I have updated the blog. A few things have happened, I finally finished the Messier pin and got my award in the mail. I have also finished the Binocular Double Star pin and will be mailing it off soon (like next week). I finally got to observe comet 2P/Encke, which is a comet I have wanted to see for a while (like years!). I am one comet away from mailing my observations in to get the Comet Observer pin and certificate (silver level).
So while the blog has been really quiet, I have been getting some sky time. I started the Binocular Variable Star pin late last year and am about 70% done with it. We had good weather in the fall here in Alabama.
So that is all I really have. I am really going to try and update the blog more since I also got a new iMac! My old 2009 MacBook Pro was getting old and slow but I am still planning on using it for observing though.
Observing Checklist
4 days ago
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