Well earlier this month I got my Sunspotter pin, which is exciting. I also got started on the Hydrogen Alpha Observing pin with my recently acquired PST. I am still learning to use the PST, but it is fun and I do enjoy seeing the Sun outside of the white light bandwidth that I was able to do with my dob.
I also got another five double stars knocked out on the Bino Double Star and knocked a few more features on the Moon for the Lunar II pin.
However I haven't been able to get any real dark sky time due to work and weather. At one point this year I thought I might be able to knock out 5 pins, but that is looking in doubt unless I can get some more of the Messier objects done. Summer and the haze is rapidly approaching and it is tough to get any really good observing done once the haze, heat and clouds settle in.
I decided to not continue the Mike Brown class mainly because I have too many irons in the fire. It is very good, but I just don't have the time to commit to it right now.
I really wish I had more to report this time around, but sadly I just haven't really been getting a ton of eyepiece time the last few weeks.
So till next month, keep looking up!
Observing Checklist
4 days ago